Case Study
CPG beverage
Research Objective
The client, a prevalent beverage company, wanted to gain understanding of how dietary changes influences beverage choices. Especially, consumers’ desire to seek more from their beverage experiences. Also, needed to disclose how beverage niche can be revolutionized.
Consumers want an upgraded experience from their beverages, but existing offerings in the beverage landscape all “taste” the same, according to the study team. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that customers’ beverage arsenals are broad, and that mood and the proper occasion at any given time have a direct impact on their choices.
This discovery gave the corporation the opportunity to introduce additional beverage options for moods or occasions when options are currently limited. The research was primarily conducted in the USA.

Targeted Countries
Sample Size
Targeted Audience
Customers from retail outlet selling the brand’s product.
The research disclosed that customers’ beverage philosophy shifts with age (having children, etc.), and beverages are carefully chosen to match their lifestyle needs and create a better, happier “me” in the future. The client used this information to create a strategy around its innovation prospects, based on the findings and customer co-creation. They also planned to create demographic-specific solutions based on moods, occasions, and specific lifestyle needs in order to reach out to lapsed drinkers in a more focused manner.